WHMXtra - Making Life Easier

Find php.ini Files

Find users with their own php.ini files. Sometimes letting your users use their own custom php.ini file can open security holes. This script will only find users with custom php.ini files, it will not remove them. If any results are found you should investigate the files to see if they are safe to let them use or if you should remove them (which could muck up their sites so backup the file prior to deleting it).Find will create a viewable/downloadable report. Scans will report results of clean if everything is ok and Folders/Files Found if it finds any php.ini files. And yes, limiting the scan to 1 user at a time is intentional, searching all of home and/or home2 would overload the server. Searching 1 user at at time reduces resource usage to almost nothing.

Warning, if you have a lot of accounts or very large ones this script will take awhile to run and increase server load.

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